“Big As” Salad with Lemon-Persimmon-Strawberry Dressing

This is my recipe for a “Big As” Salad, named so because it’s as big as a mixing bowl. The lemon-persimmon-strawberry dressing is an added bonus.


Chop half a head of Napa cabbage, a handful of purple cabbage, 3 to 4 celery sticks, one apple with the peel on but thoroughly washed, a leisurely cup of chopped pecan nuts, a few tablespoons of Chia seeds, and herbed salt and pepper (no added sugar!) to taste.


Add to your favorite blender one pitted persimmon, a tablespoon or so of grated lemon zest, 2 to 3 large strawberries, 2 to 3 tablespoons of lemon infused olive oil (or just regular olive oil if you don’t have the special lemony kind), a half cup of apple cider vinegar, and a quarter cup of lemon juice and blend.

Alternatively you can add or take away any vegetables that you like. A common combination I enjoy is the Napa cabbage with grated carrots and green apples. Before my #whole30 experiment I would also add in dried cranberries but they have added sugar so I’ve forgone them. I do miss the chewy texture but the pecan nuts still add to that a bit. I also add in pumpkin seeds kernels or sunflower seeds if the mood strikes me.

I like to start out my day eating this for breakfast, usually in the car on the way to work with the bowl cradled in my winter coat hood so that it doesn’t go flying every time I turn the steering wheel. Then I will make another dent in it around lunchtime and if I haven’t finished it by then save it for the next day or a midnight snack. With this in my arsenal I just have to make one good dinner dish that will feed me and still taste good enough to my less inclined to healthy eating family members.

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